#9: Nicole Does It All

Nicole discusses life after three children and the discomfort of implants that don’t fit her frame correctly. She had extra large saline implants placed when she was younger and they were too big for her body. Nicole and Dr. Barrett discuss her new body and how much a difference it’s made to her appearance and mindset.

On this episode of The Natural Plastic Surgeon...

Nicole: As I was going through the process and talking to my dad...he's always, you know, really into, like, making yourself look your best.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: He's like, why don't we...why don't you just do this?

Dr. Barrett: So your dad told you this?

Nicole: Yes, my dad did.

Dr. Barrett: You were having a conversation with your dad about...

Nicole: A BBL. Yeah.

Dr. Barrett: Wow.

Nicole: Yeah. So my husband's like...

Dr. Barrett: Sounds like a cool dad.

Nicole: Yeah, my dad’s, yeah. And he looks really good for his age.


Dr. Barrett: You went for the Grand Slam?

Nicole: Yeah. Yes.

Dr. Barrett: You had the breast lift. You had the tummy tuck. You had the liposuction. And then not only did we take that fat, we decided to do Brazilian Butt Lift, which is a fat transfer to the buttocks.

Nicole: Yes. Yes.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: When I woke up, I was like, I did it all.

Dr. Barrett: You did it all.

Nicole: I did it all.

Dr. Barrett: So I, I call that the Grand Slam Mommy Makeover. Because it's just, it's your, it's, it's a big home run.

You are listening to the Natural Plastic Surgeon Podcast. I'm Dr. Daniel Barrett, a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon located right here in Beverly Hills. I specialize in cosmetic surgery of the face, nose, breast and body. This podcast is dedicated to those deciding if plastic surgery is right for them and revealing all the latest beauty secrets. New episodes premiering every Monday at 10 am. Let's get started.

Dr. Barrett: Hey everyone, so we are joined with a very special guest, Nicole. And Nicole is a patient of mine. She just recently had surgery. She is a mom of three, right?

Nicole: Mm hmm. Three. Yeah.

Dr. Barrett: And tell us about the surgery you had and how long ago it was.


Nicole: Okay, so the surgery was just three months. I had a breast lift/reduction, because they were just...I got my breasts done when I was 18. And I was a little smaller. And I just thought the Pam Anderson thing was kind of in, so I, like, let me do that. And I just think it...as I got older, it just got way too big for what I really wanted.

Dr. Barrett: When you first…let's, let's back up, so you were 18 years old. You got saline implants.

Nicole: I did.

Dr. Barrett: And they were what size? They were approximately 375. But they were inflated up to 450 cc's.

Nicole: Yeah. Yeah, they were. I don't, I, you know, when I, when I first met with you, I felt like I was so informed. Like, just your whole process of what you did for me and explaining everything to the tee. It was just shocking because when I was 18, I didn't, I didn't know any of that stuff. And I don't really know if he told me or maybe I just rushed it, but I just didn't remember a lot of the stuff you covered. So maybe if I, I mean, maybe if he took a little more time...

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: I wouldn't have gone so big.

Dr. Barrett: Okay.

Nicole: I guess.

Dr. Barrett: So you think it, it wasn't because it was so long ago. You think it really, it was just kinda quick and rushed. The, the augmentation.

Nicole: I think it was a mixture of both. It was, definitely. But I think he, I felt like with you, it was like, eh, your body frame’s a little, you know, too small for something like that. It wouldn't have been so bad if that makes any sense?

Dr. Barrett: It does. It makes a lot of sense. I get a lot of women all the time that have had implants just too big for their bodies, you know. And I’d love to, kinda, know back when you were 18...did it help when you had augmentation, were you happy with them or what happened?

Nicole: I was, I think I was happy at first. And then since I was so small...there, I received so many stretch marks.

Dr. Barrett: From the implants?

Nicole: Mm hmm. Because that, yeah...

Dr. Barrett: Wow.

Nicole: I didn't have any even with my little ones. I got a little bit of stretch marks, but not as much as what the implant did to me because my skin was, I mean, I think so small at that time.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: It just stretched and it was kind of scary. Um, they were, you know, obviously going through the process of what, you know, stretch marks do. They were really red at times. So…

Dr. Barrett: Wow.

Nicole: At first I was excited. And then I was, kind of, a little self-conscious with the way they looked at times. And then you know, they gradually faded, but the size was just so big.

Dr. Barrett: Mm hmm. Yeah, I mean, that, that, that is pretty big. I mean, based, based on some of your measurements, a 450 would be beyond a, what a, something I would pick for you based off of your, your measurements. Okay, so you're, that was when you were 18. And then now you're 30 or 31. Right? What, what happened in the interim? And then what made you decide to...Well, let's, let's also back up, you did something a little more than just swapping out your implants. Right? We did the lollipop breast lift.

Nicole: Yeah.

Dr. Barrett: We swapped out implants.  What else did we do?

Nicole: We also did a tummy tuck. And then, you know, as I was going through the process and talking to my dad...he's always, you know, really into, like, making yourself look your best.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: He's like, why don't we...why don't you just do this?

Dr. Barrett: So your dad told you this?

Nicole: Yes, my dad did.

Dr. Barrett: You were having a conversation with your dad about...

Nicole: A BBL. Yeah.

Dr. Barrett: Wow.

Nicole: Yeah. So my husband's like...

Dr. Barrett: Sounds like a cool dad.

Nicole: Yeah, my dad’s, yeah. And he looks really good for his age. You know, I’m talking to my dad and my dad's like, well, why don't you just…you're already in there. Like, why don't you just do it?

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: And this, I think I probably emailed maybe, like, two, three weeks prior to actual surgery to add in the BBL.

Dr. Barrett: Okay.

Nicole: So it wasn't, like, on my radar, but then I started watching a little more. And then I talked to my dad and my dad's like, yeah, you should do it. Which sounds kind of funny. Yes...

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: But no regrets. Like, I, I totally think it was worth it.


Dr. Barrett: Well yeah, let's, let’s talk about that. So Mommy Makeover is kind of what you had. And a Mommy Makeover is typically a breast lift or breast augmentation, and then a tummy tuck. Oftentimes combined with liposuction. You went for the Grand Slam.

Nicole: Yeah. Yes.

Dr. Barrett: So you had the breast lift. You had the tummy tuck, you had the liposuction. And then not only did we take that fat, we decided to do a Brazilian Butt Lift, which is a fat transfer to the buttocks.

Nicole: Yes. Yes.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole:  When I woke up, I was like, I did it all.

Dr. Barrett: You did it all.

Nicole: I did it all.

Dr. Barrett: So, I call that the Grand Slam Mommy Makeover, because it's just, it's your, it's, it's a big home run. You know, in terms of every…we really just address all of the things that happen to a mom. Breast, breastfeeding, they get droopy, we need to revolumize them...we, sometimes we need to lift them. I've actually got a photo here. And you're only three months...you look incredible...you have a lot of healing left to do.

Nicole: Thank you.

Dr. Barrett: But I, I don't know if you've seen this. This is your before and after. Have you taken a look at that?

Nicole: No, I was kind of curious though.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: Oh, yeah.

Dr. Barrett: Huge difference.

Nicole: Yeah, night and day.

Dr. Barrett: What I love is that your breasts, kind of, match your body. They are, and even your nipples are, like, pointing straight versus pointing down.

Nicole: Yeah.

Dr. Barrett: Your flanks have...

Nicole: This looks awesome.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah. I mean, you have this hourglass shape that's just, like, very feminine. And it's like you've gotten your body back. And I know we still have a little more healing to do. But it's just, it makes me really happy to, kind of, to see all of that amazing transformation.


Nicole: Yeah, it's super exciting. I think for me just waking up the next day and, like, seeing my breasts and that was my favorite part. I mean, the tummy tuck’s awesome. But just feeling like the breasts fit me, if that makes sense.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah. Did it feel...so it, it felt different?

Nicole: Mm hmm. If, I was just so excited. I mean, to have these smaller breasts, still nice in size...

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole:...but that just fits me a little better from, I mean, obviously this picture shows it all. Like, they were just so large.

Dr. Barrett: Right. So we went from a 450 saline implant to a moderate profile plus Siltex 275 cc. So we went down...

Nicole: Quite a bit.

Dr. Barrett: 175 cc’s per side. And then we lifted at the same time. You, you actually have really good breast tissue. You didn't really need those gigantic implants. Anymore...

Nicole: Yeah.


Dr. Barrett: So we actually have some of the skin that we took off over there. We can, we can grab that, you want to grab that? One of our assistants is actually...

Nicole: Sliding it?

Dr. Barrett: Yeah, so this is this, is the big slab of skin that...

Nicole: Yeah, that was what I was really, like, wanting to see at the end.

Dr. Barrett: Yes.

Nicole: I remember…I remember waking up and thinking okay, like, I see all this Instagram stuff. I chose not to do Instagram...I wanted to see the slab.

Dr. Barrett: We can call it a slab. It's definitely extra skin.

Nicole: Wow.

Dr. Barrett: But we took part of your tattoo off of there.

Nicole: Yeah...I was, I was a little worried.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: It doesn’t look too bad. We can hide it.

Dr. Barrett: Right? We can always redo the top part of it.

Nicole: Yeah. We could...

Dr. Barrett: Sometimes we get all the tattoos, but we weren't able to get all the tattoos. But with that, a lot of stretch marks, a lot of fat, a lot of loose skin. And we actually harvested some fat from that to do your fat transfer, before we took that off. And that's why people that are considering getting a tummy tuck, if they're thinking about, at all, doing a Brazilian Butt Lift, do it at the same time, right? Because that, we're already getting that fat, let's just use it, you know?

Nicole: Yeah, that's kinda what my dad was saying. He's like, they're already going in there. You might as well just do it.

Dr. Barrett: Right.

Nicole: So he definitely sold me on it.

Dr. Barrett: I need to meet your dad because he sounds like a pretty cool guy.

Nicole: He's pretty, yeah he’s, he's, he looks really good. And he's definitely, he's a fan of you know, lipo and, you know, just kind of taking care of himself as well.

Dr. Barrett: Okay, good.

Nicole: So yeah.

Dr. Barrett: That’s good. Well, tell him he can come visit anytime. We can take care of him.

Nicole: I will. I will.

Dr. Barrett: So let's, let's go back. So right now we're in the operating room that, I think, you might have had your surgery.

Nicole: Yeah. I know that...it's…yeah.


Dr. Barrett: How's it feel to, kinda, be on this side?

Nicole: Yeah, it's kind of, it's kind of cool. It's like man, all that went down in here?

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: And I just feel amazing. So it's really cool, actually.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah, yeah that's great. Walk me through...let's back up a little bit. So you had, kind of, not so great experience with your first saline implants. And then you decided to…you have three children. Were you planning on...are you planning on having any more children?

Nicole: I'm not.

Dr. Barrett: Okay.

Nicole: I'm not. So…kind of, how I found you if that, if that works into it.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.


Nicole: I follow Christen Dominique.

Dr. Barrett: Christen Dominique. Yeah.

Nicole: So I follow her and I just love makeup. So I follow her.

Dr. Barrett: She's like a makeup guru, like a, a makeup magician, by the way.

Nicole: Yeah. So I was just looking at her this afternoon. But I followed her and I was pregnant at the time.

Dr. Barrett: Oh.

Nicole: So this is maybe a year and a half ago. And she's going through her experience with you with the tummy tuck.

Dr. Barrett: Yep.

Nicole: Then she, kind of, showed it. And then what really intrigued me was the fat transfer. So that was really what I was thinking when I was, you know, kind of going towards you and I researched you and I liked everything you did with that. And then that's, that's kind of what...

Dr. Barrett: Fat transfer to the breast?

Nicole: Yeah, to the breast.

Dr. Barrett:  So, for, for, for Christen Dominique, we actually did a couple surgeries. We did, we did her, her tummy to get rid of some of the stretch marks. And then we came back and we took out her implants, which were roughly the same size as yours.

Nicole: Yeah.

Dr. Barrett: Way too big for her body.

Nicole: Yeah. And that's what I was, kind of, like, intrigued by. I’m like wow, like, she looks so good.

Dr. Barrett: And I encourage you guys, if you haven't already, follow Christen Dominique, check out her YouTube video where she undergoes the surgery. It's hilarious. It's a great operation, but she just does a great job of, just, narrating it...talking about her big implants that she got out. And we were able to get those out and use fat transfer instead. Which isn't always the case for people. Sometimes I can use fat and I think in your situation, I said it's probably not going to give you as good of a result. And so that's when we decided to use just a lot smaller of an implant.

Nicole: And I think what I liked is that you, you didn't, it's not like you sold it to me. You just made me feel like that was the best option for me.

Dr. Barrett: Right.

Nicole: And I didn't feel discouraged. I still felt like, even though I followed, followed you and I followed her journey in the sense...because of the fat transfer because I was you know, done with having kids and I kind of just wanted to bring my body back. The way you made me feel that day was like, oh, this is the best option just to keep you, kind of, youthful, in a sense.

Dr. Barrett: Yes. We can always take them out ten years down the line and, you know...But it's like…you know, we only live once and you're 30 years old, and you might as well, you know, look great in a, in a bikini and have that upper pole perkiness and everything. You know that's, that's what I, kind of, I lay it out for people. Like, results with fat, sometimes six or seven out of ten. Results with an implant--in your situation--nine or ten out of ten, which I think we, we hit a home run on so….

Nicole: Yeah, I'm definitely, I don't feel like they look crazy perky and like, I mean, fake, in a sense.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: They, they look more natural. And that's really what I was trying to get from it.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah, yeah. Well, no, you, I mean, you look fantastic. And it's just getting better. So let's, so you decide to do this…do the operation. You have three children, and you have a husband. How did you...what did you say to them?


Nicole: At times, I was like, ooh, am I, am I being a little selfish? Because I think my little boy is nine months old, right?

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: Nine months.

Dr. Barrett: Right.

Nicole: A little needy still. But I had stopped breastfeeding and I was just really wanting to do something for me. You know, I researched and researched and...I'm a little impulsive.

Dr. Barrett: Okay.

Nicole: So I was like...

Dr. Barrett: Do, do…Amazon boxes show up at your doorstep all the time?

Nicole: Yes. Yes, yes, yes. And my husband's the same way. So I felt like he was very supportive. Just like saying, okay, if you want to do it...Sure.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: So I think I had my appointment in April and then we booked it in May. It was super fast.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: Yeah, it was, it was tough. It was tough. But it was something that I wanted to do for myself. Three kids...I work full time. I just wanted to do something for myself.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: And this is, this was it. And I felt like my husband was super supportive. And you do need that.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: Especially after, you know, a surgery like this. You said it, I did the whole thing. So I needed help. Yeah...it, it was interesting, getting me into bed a couple times and he helped with that, but...

Dr. Barrett: That sounds great.

Nicole: Yeah, I just think it's an experience for yourself. To take care of you, for sure. And the outcome...I just feel amazing.


Dr. Barrett: Right. I mean, three children. I have one child. And I have another one on the way and...

Nicole: Oh congratulations, that’s awesome.

Dr. Barrett: Thank you. I know, just recent news, by the way. But it's, it's a sacrifice when you have children.

Nicole: Yes.

Dr. Barrett: And sometimes it's hard to switch gears to start thinking about yourself again. But I think, I think it's important, right? We, we…you know, again, our children are our most important asset...you know, not assets. I don't know depending on…you put them to work, maybe they haven't come to the office. But no, you know, they’re the most important thing that we invest into, you know. And we want them, the best for them. But then sometimes there's, you know, it's okay to look out for yourself too. Because if you're not the best version of yourself, you're not gonna be the best to them either.

Nicole: Yeah.

Dr. Barrett: If you’re not happy with your life and your body and everything else, you know, it impacts everything.

Nicole: Yeah, that's totally how I agree and I think, man, it feels good to do this for me after, you know, I do. And still doing...still doing, I mean, my oldest is five.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah, of course.

Nicole: But it's nice. No regrets.

Dr. Barrett: Well, all right, so a lot of people are worried about a lot of things from this kind of surgery. What was your biggest fear going into the surgery?


Nicole: So I, I am on my feet at work a lot.

Dr. Barrett: Okay.

Nicole: And I'm a workaholic. Like I just...

Dr. Barrett: What kind of work do you do?

Nicole: I'm a manager for In-N-Out Burger.

Dr. Barrett: Okay. That's fast-paced.

Nicole: Yes. So...

Dr. Barrett: You guys always have a line.

Nicole: Yes. And I’d...yeah, you're just non...you know, you're just non-stop all the time. So in my head, I was like, man…like, and I'm the store manager. So of 94 associates, and I just got to this new store...

Dr. Barrett: 94...you have, are in charge of 94 people?

Nicole: Yeah, 94 people. Yeah. So in my head, I was thinking, I need to bounce back, like, I can only take so much time off. So to me, like, the recovery piece...not because I'm the type of person that doesn't know how to just relax...that I was thinking like, man, I know they say two to four weeks, but you know, do I have that...is what, what was that piece for me. If that makes sense.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah. And what did you find in terms of your recovery? How much time did you have to take off work?


Nicole: I took a total of three weeks off.

Dr. Barrett: Okay.

Nicole: I don't think you need it. If you have, you know, a job where you're not on your feet. Because I probably felt good...a week and a half. I just couldn't do much and then with the BBL obviously, you know, they really encourage you not to sit so much.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: So...

Dr. Barrett: That wasn’t such a problem, was it?

Nicole: Yeah, no. Yeah.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah. Because if you're on your feet all the time that’s no problem.

Nicole: Yeah, that, that piece wasn't a problem at all.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: But I definitely felt like when I did too much, it was a little tough. So I took three weeks just to feel okay. I want to say by the fourth week at work, working 45 hours, I, I was okay.

Dr. Barrett: Good.

Nicole: Yeah, I was okay.

Dr. Barrett: All right. So the day of surgery arrives. You come in. It was kind of early, I think.

Nicole: Yeah, it was, like, 9 am.

Dr. Barrett: Yep. And who was your anesthesiologist?

Nicole: I don't remember but he was funny.

Dr. Barrett: Let's see. Oh, I don't have it here. It was probably Dr. Fine. He's one of our favorites. And what…a lot of people are worried about anesthesia. Were you worried about anesthesia at all?


Nicole: No, I wasn’t…not too, not too much.

Dr. Barrett: That’s good. I mean, because honestly, the risks of anesthesia are really, really low.

Nicole: Yeah. I wasn't really worried about that. I think it's like, every...will I make it, you know?

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: In, in that sense, as scary as that sounds.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah. Of course you’re gonna make it.

Nicole: Yeah yeah, for sure. I was just thinking, like, you think, you think the worst. But I think that, I think as a parent you think the worst for the kids.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: But no, but I was...I wasn't really scared of that.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah, I, I, I honestly, I wouldn't be doing surgery on people if there was any remote chance of people, like, having major problems.

Nicole: Yeah, yeah. And that's, that's just the fear I had. Just, you know, being in your own head. But no, I wasn't. I felt like I was in good hands.

Dr. Barrett: Good.

Nicole: Yeah. From start to finish.


Dr. Barrett: So, day one. Did you stay anywhere your first night?

Nicole: I did, I stayed at….Why can’t I think of the name…Serenity.

Dr. Barrett: Serenity.

Nicole: Yes, I actually stayed two days.

Dr. Barrett: Two days.

Nicole: Yes.

Dr. Barrett: Was that planned? Or you're like, I just need an extra day.

Nicole: Day one was planned and taken care of. And then the morning of day two, since I have little ones...

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: I just thought, oh man, I, I can't go home to them touching...and then, you know, just things you don't want them to see. But it was definitely worth it. I felt like they took really good care of me. You know, just, kind of, with everything I did at once...just putting me into bed, showing me, you know, how to sit and lay and elevate and...

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: It was just helpful, you know, being able to know what to do in those two days, so that I could take it home and, kind of, have a little better understanding of how to take care of myself.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah, they are really professional there and it's, I always feel good, it’s so hard to get availability there because they're so popular, but when my patients do go there, I feel way better.

Nicole: Yeah, it’s good.

Dr. Barrett: So, that's good. Any surprises that first few days? Big surprises to you? What was the most shocking thing? After surgery? Did you have a lot of pain?

Nicole: I did, that first 1, 2, 3 days. And then I felt great.

Dr. Barrett: Okay.

Nicole: And then I guess--shocking--where it, kind of, got worse before it got better. If that makes any sense.

Dr. Barrett: What point did it, kind of, get worse?

Nicole: Like, a week and a half.

Dr. Barrett: Oh, really?

Nicole: Yeah. Where I'm just trying to stand up. And then, I think, what it is, is that we go back to me doing too much. I think I just did too much at times.

Dr. Barrett: Okay.

Nicole: And then it was a little bit hard, but when I would, would totally relax and just, you know, take care of myself. It was, it wasn't bad. Yeah, it wasn't bad at all.

Dr. Barrett: What was the hardest part about the initial recovery?


Nicole: Just being okay with somebody taking care of me for a little bit.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah. Wow.

Nicole: Just being okay with that. Yeah.

Dr. Barrett: And who...so, obviously, when you were at Serenity it was the nurses, but then when you got home, who took care of you?

Nicole: My mom took care of me.

Dr. Barrett: She did?

Nicole: Yeah. She, she gave me pills...I, you know, took it back like I was a child again.

Dr. Barrett: That's nice.

Nicole: It was really nice. So I do suggest anybody who's thinking about something like that, like, have somebody available for you for at least a week.

Dr. Barrett: Husbands are good to have, but husbands are not very...sometimes, they're not very nurturing and like...

Nicole: Yes.

Dr. Barrett:...Kinda give you that extra coziness, you know?

Nicole: Yes, yeah, my mom definitely made breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Dr. Barrett: Nice.

Nicole: It was nice.

Dr. Barrett: Moms are amazing.

Nicole: Yeah, I think we left here after the first visit I had with you and I looked pale.

Dr. Barrett: I know, I think I told you that.

Nicole: Yeah, you told me to eat a cheeseburger.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: I get, I get home and my mom's, like, trying to make everything for me.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: And I’m, like, mom I, I just don't even want to eat. She goes, did, did you hear what Dr. Barrett said? He said eat a cheeseburger. So you're eating this pasta.

Dr. Barrett: Nice.

Nicole: Yeah, it was, it was kind...it was nice to have that but yes, I definitely agree. The nurturing part--husband and mother--is different.


Dr. Barrett: Yeah, it's, it's really important but a lot of people don't realize it, but the amount of surgery that you had, you need about, like, 30% more calories than you would normally need. And so most people eat less than what they normally eat. So what happens is you get a nutrition deficiency and your body's like, I need protein to heal. I need vitamins, I need minerals. And you just don't have it, you know, and so that's where I run into problems with people being pale, they get lightheaded, they can pass out or they have wound healing problems, just because their nutrition is not up to speed right during surgery. So your mom, it's, it's great that your mom was there. Because you don't, that's the last thing you feel like doing. Your tummy is really tight. You had some anestasia recently or, or maybe some pain medications. That's the last thing you want to do is eat, but you have to.

Nicole: Yeah, that's definitely how I felt. So it was good having that support because I probably wouldn't have fed myself. Yeah, probably not.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah, it's hard too, it's, like, you don't want to...like, maybe order Postmates?

Nicole: Yeah.

Dr. Barrett: Get some pizza delivered. I don't know. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Last thing you want to do is, like, get up and make a meal.

Nicole: Yeah.

Dr. Barrett: So although I never had the surgery--I've had surgery--but not this surgery. What was, what was the most positive thing about the surgery?


Nicole: I think how, for sure, just for me, instant...was my breast.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: Just feeling better. Just putting my work shirt on...just didn't feel so tight and uncomfortable.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: And then, you know, I just went to Cancun two weeks ago and...

Dr. Barrett: Yeah, how was that?

Nicole: It was amazing. Just feeling good in a bikini. You know? I'm not saying I was really you know, big. I just didn’t feel comfortable. I felt...especially with my breasts, I felt like they poured out of every single bi...bikini.

Dr. Barrett: Right.

Nicole: And I just felt good. It was, it was amazing.

Dr. Barrett: That's good.

Nicole: Yeah, it was really nice. And I got so many compliments, you know, from everybody who went and it’s just...

Dr. Barrett:  Really?

Nicole: Yeah, it's just nice to hear, you know, from family and stuff, like, oh, you look, you look great so...

Dr. Barrett: Good.

Nicole: It was rewarding, for sure.

Dr. Barrett: Awesome. What are you doing now in this, in this phase of healing? We talked about it a little bit in the post-op...because we just did a post-op appointment.

22:27 SCAR GEL

Nicole: Yeah. Scar gel.

Dr. Barrett: Yep.

Nicole: Scar gel, for sure.

Dr. Barrett: Okay.

Nicole: Just making sure that I'm putting it on religiously.

Dr. Barrett: Yes.

Nicole: I do like the bellybutton sphere. I can tell when it's starting to, kind of, close up and when I'm not using it.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: It's nice if I, what I find works because I don't think about it, I wear it to work every morning.

Dr. Barrett: Okay.

Nicole: So I know I'm going to wear it for nine hours and then I pop it out.

Dr. Barrett: Okay.

Nicole: And then I can definitely tell that it helps, kind of, keep its shape. I love the shape that I already have. It really looks natural, but I feel like it, kind of, keeps it. Check us at post-op and...my breasts...the scarring is looking great.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: So just, you know, putting more scar gel. I think I need to focus on that area towards the bottom.

Dr. Barrett: Right. Yeah. No that's, that's, that's normal with three months and you're doing a great job. Your scars are actually healing really well. A lot of women worry about the lollipop breast lift. And done right, with a good closure and good scar management, it's very minimal and you get that breast position and shape that you always wanted. And I'm very detailed about closing my incisions. I close the breast in five, I close the tummy in four. I also recommend a Scar Management Protocol that's pretty intense. This, this scar gel that you're mentioning is called Skinuva. It has a lightning agent in it as well which is why you're, they're fading as fast as they are. And it also has silicone that is, that helps, kind of, trick the scar cells so they don't form that thick, heavy-duty scar. The other thing is, recently, is that belly button sphere. It’s, it’s a round ball of silicone and I spent about an hour alone on just perfecting your bellybutton during the operation. To give it that shape. But sometimes, some people, it likes to close up like a circle. And when that happens, you want to put that sphere in because then it, kind of, mechanically keeps it open. So that's the rationale behind that.

Nicole: I think that was the biggest piece I was scared of, and I probably mentioned it a couple times...the scar for the lollipop lift. I was like...

Dr. Barrett: Yeah. Right, which you can't even see right now.

Nicole: Yeah. You see...

Dr. Barrett: And you're at three months, which is phenomenal.

Nicole: It’s not bad at all.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: I can't, I mean, obviously, you know, you have a little bit of the droop...

Dr. Barrett: Right.

Nicole: Which is natural, what makes the breast look natural, which hides it. I can’t even tell...and that was my biggest fear. Because you know, the tummy tuck, I can hide it like, sure I can still hide it with, you know, with a bra. But it was just something in my mind, especially when you see that anchor scar and all these different scars that they do. I feel like you can't even see it, it's amazing.


Dr. Barrett: Well, you mentioned something that's actually kind of very dear to me, and that's getting away, getting surgeons to get away from that anchor scar. It's completely unnecessary. It's an outdated type of incision, where you have an incision around the areola, uh lying down, and then these horizontal scars that are just absurd. It treats the breast as two dimensions when it's actually three dimensions. There's a doctor named Elizabeth Hofinley that, kind of, came up with this technique. And I, I learned from her courses, how to do it and that, now it's all I do. And you’re proof of that, of how it just works just way better.

Nicole: Yeah, it definitely looked better too.

Dr. Barrett: Good.

Nicole: So, that was my biggest fear, but I'm happy with it.

Dr. Barrett: Great. What's, what's some advice you can tell a woman, or mom, out there that's thinking about maybe going through this?


Nicole: I mean, have a good support system.

Dr. Barrett: Okay.

Nicole: For sure, a good support system. But also, like, you're gonna have fear in your mind, but the end result...and I mean, there's gonna be times where it hurts, don’t get me wrong. But the end result is so rewarding, and I feel like as a mom, we owe it to ourselves to look good again. To just have that body we once did. Even if it isn't because you're a mom. I just feel like it's life-changing. The Tummy Tuck is definitely life-changing...just the way, you know, my clothes fit and the way I feel. I feel like the best advice is just go, go for it.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah.

Nicole: Because I think there's a lot of, oh, should I? Is this gonna happen? Am I scared of anesthesia?

Dr. Barrett: Right.

Nicole:...like all those things. But with you, you're in good hands.

Dr. Barrett: Awesome.

Nicole: So I feel like...you just have to go for it.

Dr. Barrett: Well, thanks, Nicole. I really appreciate that. And you're such a great patient. Is there anything else you want to share with the, the listeners out there about your experience or, you know, things that you experienced here, or surprises, or tips to people that are, people that are thinking about undergoing...I know, you mentioned the family support. That was a big one, but...

Nicole: Okay, here, I think the staff's just great, super supportive. When I was thinking about where I was gonna go, this...my only consultation, but I just had this feeling. So I definitely think, like, to the listeners that listen, Dr. Barrett's great. And so is his staff--everybody's so friendly and helpful. The process was just easy and amazing. And then tips...just really be okay with just relaxing. You know, it is a huge surgery that you go through, and be okay with doing absolutely nothing. You know, a lot of the times it's really hard for us, especially as moms, to do nothing. But just, kinda relax.

Dr. Barrett: Good.

Nicole: And take care of yourself.

Dr. Barrett: That, that really is important because that first week or two right after surgery, even if you're mentally stressed, it can impact your healing. You know, cortisol levels we know interfere with wound healing. And cortisone, cortisone levels go through the roof if you're, like, checking your emails, if you're on Instagram, if you're, you know, if you're not getting help with the kids. Those things can all go through the roof, even though physically demanding you're not really doing much. So, I think, that's really hard to turn that switch off because your job, your life, is very busy. And then you were able to turn that switch off, which, I think, is probably why you're healing already so well. You know, you can calm things down so things can get a chance to, to heal up. So...

Nicole: Yeah, I agree.

Dr. Barrett: That's good.

Nicole: You just have to do that.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah. And in terms of, thank you for the staff, you know, everybody here, we all care about our patients and it's, like, what, we get motivated every single day. We're like, how can we help that next person? And I always like to put myself in your shoes. Probably wouldn't get breast surgery. But I'm, like, what would I...what would I, what would I want? If I'm going to undergo this surgery. I want a really safe operation. I want an effective operation to, kind of, get my goals. I want to have as minimal pain as possible. That's why we inject a lot of pain-numbing medicine. And I want, I don't want to wait for my appointments, I want to, kind of, come in and get out and, and get, get back to my busy life. And so that's how I try to design everything. And honestly, and transparency, I put it all out there. This is, these are the risks...they’re pretty minimal. But these are the rewards, you know, and so, I let people make those decisions. And I'm glad you made your decision.

Nicole: Yeah, thank you for everything. You’re too great.

Dr. Barrett: You are welcome. All right, Nicole, thank you. Thank you so much for being on the show.

Nicole: Of course.

Dr. Barrett: You're amazing. You're beautiful.

Nicole: Thank you.

Dr. Barrett: And what's next?

Nicole: I can't wait to, I'm trying to, like, start dieting and working out now that I can.

Dr. Barrett: Yeah, okay.

Nicole: So I'm excited for my six-month follow-up.

Dr. Barrett: Let's do it.

Nicole: Yeah, I'm excited.

Dr. Barrett: All right, Nicole, thank you.

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