The Guide to the Brazilian Butt Lift
The Natural Plastic Surgeon Blog

The latest #bodygoal is a slim and contoured waist, with a round and generous derriere. This look has been perpetuated by fitness gurus, celebrities, and Instagram models alike. They claim fit tea, squats, and waist training but we’re here to let you in on a little secret… it’s called the Brazilian Butt Lift.
Want Kylie Jenner proportions? Lets get caught up on the hottest procedure at the moment, the Brazilian Butt Lift, also known as a BBL.
The BBL has gained major popularity over the past few years and it is one of the most sought after surgeries in the world. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons recently released statistics on the top surgical procedures, and butt enhancement surgery is clearly on the rise. It is the fastest growing type of plastic surgery at the moment with 1000% increase from 10 years ago. The BBL is a comprehensive procedure that combines liposuction with the transfer of the patient’s own fat to the buttocks. The operations are performed simultaneously delivering a powerful one-two combo… a snatched waist and a sizable butt.
The BBL is the most natural method of augmenting the butt, because the fat used is from the patient’s own body, there is no need for an artificial implant.

Will a BBL give me the look that I want?
BBL’s can address a range of concerns, including flat or sagging buttocks, asymmertry, or other disproportions due to weight loss or gain. The BBL delivers a combination effect of cinching the waist with lipo and a more full buttock appearance with the fat transfer.
How long will it last?
A BBL is permanent! To maintain results you need to continue to eat heathy, work out, and always follow healthy habits.
How long is the recovery?
Recovery varies based on the patient, however you will need to avoid sitting directly on your butt for at least two weeks. We do provide a specialized pillow for limited sitting.
Are there side effects?
When performed by an experienced board certified Plastic Surgeon, the BBL has a high success rate, although there is risk with every procedure. Possible side effects include bruising, swelling, asymmetry, and loss of fat due to not following post-op instructions. Other products such as Sculptra are available to boost your result if you do not have a lot of fat available.
How much does a Brazilian Butt Lift cost?
Each patient requires a custom plan to achieve their goals. Pricing varies. Please call contact our office to get detailed estimate.
How should I prepare for my consultation?
Come in with desired look and shape photos so that you and Dr. Barrett can assess your goals and determine a realistic plan.
How much fat is needed for a BBL?
The amount of fat harvested from the patient’s body and injected into their buttocks is measured by cc’s, or cubic centimeters. The exact amount of fat that you need for your desired results is individual and will be discussed during your consult. Roughly 60% of the transferred fat will stay put.* Your body will naturally re-absorb and eliminate the rest. The transferred fat cells that survive the transfer will permanently live in their new location.
Is there scarring?
The scars you can expect are hidden and minimal. We use minimal incisions during the procedure, and a comprehensive 6 week scar treatment plan with FDA approved scar management and taping, so that scars are nearly invisible.
What if I gain or lose weight after my procedure?
You will likely see your weight gain in a uniform distribution after a fat transfer to the buttock (Brazilian buttock lift). The weight or fat that you gain after surgery will not necessarily all go to your buttock area. Similar to weight loss, It’s important to realize that weight loss will affect the entire body, but it may affect the buttock in a more pronounced manner.
Are you ready to take the next step?

Start your journey now with a virtual consultation. Have more questions? Fill out the contact form below, and a patient care representative will reach out to you shortly. We look forward to hearing from you!